The film centers on three friends Sam (Emme Rylan), Charley (Jessica Courtemanche) and Taylor (Megan Lee Joy) who are having a slumber party and they begin plotting revenge on their ex-boyfriends. We then join them on a journey into the darkest part of their imagination as they take Shevenge on each one of them. This dark comedy pays homage to favourite film genres including horror, fantasy and action.
Following a number of successful screenings in the USA the Shevenge team took it to London for it’s UK debut at the Film4 Fright Fest Film Festival in August 2015. Now Shevenge is available in the UK to own digitally via Amazon Video platform.
Shevenge is being released as part of the second season of Etheria horror anthology celebrating the work of female directors and other roles both in front of and behind the camera. Shevenge is among 10 short films set in the horror or sci-fi genres. Fans can either purchase the whole of Season 2 for £5.99 or alternatively you can buy Shevenge and/or the other short films separately for just 99p each. (prices correct on the date this post was published)
Amazon Video is available online via computer, smart devices, games consoles and smart TVs. For full details and to purchase Etheria Season 2 or Shevenge individually click the link below:
Good news for Amber fans across the pond Etheria Season 2/Shevenge is also available to purchase via the US version of Amazon Video platform. For full details and/or to buy click the link below:
I'm thrilled that Shevenge is part of Etheria Season 2, congratulations to Amber, Emme, Jessica, Megan and all of the cast and crew. It's fantastic that Shevenge is now available to an even bigger audience both here in the UK and in the USA and I can't wait to watch it again.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV was not involved in any way with the making or production of Shevenge. We were not involved in the production of Etheria Season 2 or any of the short films within it. Nor do we have any connection to Amazon Video in the UK or USA. This post is for informational purposes only we are simply trying to spread the word about a new way to see an exciting short film directed by Amber Benson.