Dark Shadows: Dress Me In Dark Dreams (Audio Drama)
In 2012 Amber took on the role of Judith Collins for Dark Shadows: Dress Me In Dark Dreams. This original dramatic reading is a spin-off from the cult US supernatural soap opera Dark Shadows which aired between 1966 - 1971. Dark Shadows is set in the fictional fishing town of Collinsport Maine. Collingwood the ancestral home to the Collins family is frequently the epicentre of dark and mysterious occurrences involving magic, ghosts and a vast array of supernatural creatures.
As the drama begins we meet Judith Collins (Amber Benson) who’s trapped in Collingwood tasked with caring for her bitter grandmother Edith Collins (Terry Crawford). Her only escape from the day-to-day chore of dealing with the cantankerous Edith is in her dreams. Where a handsome stranger offers her romance and excitement. As her dreams grow increasingly intense Judith begins to wonder if the stranger could be real? To uncover the truth Judith and Edith must confront a dark family secret that could prove deadly to them both. Dress Me in Dark Dreams also stars James Unsworth.
Dark Shadows: Dress Me In Dreams is a BIG FINISH Production. It is available now on CD and as a digital download for more information and a free trailer Click Here http://bigfinish.com/releases/v/dress-me-in-dark-dreams-729
In 2016 Dark Shadows: Dress Me In Dark Dreams was made available on Audible in The UK and USA.
For more information on how you can buy the audio drama click here for the UK site and here for the USA site. Audible also offers a range of packages where in return for a regular monthly fee a user is entitled to download Dark Shadows Dress Me In Dark Dreams as well as access a vast library of audio dramas and audiobooks also available on the site. The number of books/dramas you can download in the month will depend upon your individual package, for full details see the respective Audible websites.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the production of Dark Shadows: Dress Me In Dark Dreams all rights belong to Big Finish Productions and their partners/other copyright holders. This page is for informational purposes only we are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting project involving Amber Benson.