“Self-Obsessed” is created and written by Sina Grace a writer, comic book artist and illustrator. The series is an adaptation of his autobiographical graphic novel of the same name. Sina stars as himself in the leading role.
The series is set for five episodes. It follows Sina as he tries to plan his next creative endeavour following a career setback and possibly get his love life back on track too.
Amber joins her good friend Sina as a regular member of the cast having worked previously together Sina was the artist behind the wonderful illustrations found within Amber's children's book Among The Ghosts. Click here to find out more about this amazing book.
The series also stars Amber's friend and fellow Buffy the Vampire Slayer co-star Adam Bush as himself and Jon Gabrus. Daniel Freedman is the series director.
Here you can find all 5 Episodes in the series below together with a short summary underneath each video.
Disclaimer: The series contains strong language and adult themes including sex and references to drug use and is intended for a mature audience viewer discretion is advised.
Episode 1
The series is set for five episodes. It follows Sina as he tries to plan his next creative endeavour following a career setback and possibly get his love life back on track too.
Amber joins her good friend Sina as a regular member of the cast having worked previously together Sina was the artist behind the wonderful illustrations found within Amber's children's book Among The Ghosts. Click here to find out more about this amazing book.
The series also stars Amber's friend and fellow Buffy the Vampire Slayer co-star Adam Bush as himself and Jon Gabrus. Daniel Freedman is the series director.
Here you can find all 5 Episodes in the series below together with a short summary underneath each video.
Disclaimer: The series contains strong language and adult themes including sex and references to drug use and is intended for a mature audience viewer discretion is advised.
Episode 1
Sina is facing the cancellation of his comic book series so he turns to his good friend Amber for advice before embarking on a night out.
Episode 2
Episode 2
Amber continues to try and help Sina get out of his artistic rut while Adam takes a different approach as the trio meet for coffee. Keep an eye out for Amber's children's book Among The Ghosts which Sina illustrated wonderfully find out more click here it's set within Amber's Calliope Reaper-Jones universe.
Episode 3
Sina arrives in San Francisco to talk to his ex-boyfriend Greg (Jon Gabrus) but he’s in for a surprise when Greg reveals his own plans for the future. Greg agrees to let Sina stay with him for a couple of days to get his head together and he soon comes up with a new plan he thinks will help him resolve his artistic troubles. Amber is credited but does not appear in this episode.
Episode 4
Episode 4
Sina calls Amber to tell her how his reunion with ex-boyfriend Greg (Jon Gabrus) went and his new plan to escape his artistic rut and that he’s about to embark on a "vision quest". This episode also features Adin Freedman.
Episode 5 - Season Finale
Episode 5 - Season Finale
Following his "vision quest" Sina finally has a plan that he hopes will get him back to doing what he loves best. He stops by to thank Amber for her support and gives her a gift before setting out on his journey. Sina also makes peace with his ex Greg (Jon Grabus) then heads out in search of adventure.
Click Here to visit the Self-Obsessed Season 2 Page to watch more Sina and Amber's adventures
Click Here to visit the Self-Obsessed Season 2 Page to watch more Sina and Amber's adventures
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the writing/production of The “Self-Obsessed” web series or the original graphic novel we own nothing this post is for informational purposes only. We are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting web series involving Amber Benson.