Shevenge is a brand-new short film directed by Amber that was completed with the help of fans and film enthusiasts who backed an crowd funding campaign to raise funds to complete postproduction.
The film centers on three friends Sam (Emme Rylan), Charley (Jessica Courtemanche) and Taylor (Megan Lee Joy) who are having a slumber party and they begin plotting revenge on their ex-boyfriends. We then join them on a journey into the darkest part of their imagination as they take Shevenge on each one of them. This dark comedy pays homage to favourite film genres including horror, fantasy and action.
Following a number of successful screenings in the USA the Shevenge team announced that it would make its UK debut at the Film4 Fright Fest Film Festival which is taking place in London between the 27 to 31 August 2015.
The Shevenge Premiere is part of the Short Film Showcase 1 which will take place on Saturday, 29 August at 11:15 AM at Discovery At The Prince Charles Cinema.
Due to a combination of work commitments and illness it has taken me much longer than anticipated to publish this information on the "Latest Amber News" section and I apologise for the delay. I checked just before I published this post and there are still tickets available for Short Film Showcase 1 which includes Shevenge. Tickets are available online at the link below and click on the Short Film Showcase 1 link and follow the on-screen instructions.
Click here for Shevenge Tickets (Short Film Showcase 1)
Please Note: When you click the link to buy tickets for Shevenge if it displays an error message stating that your session has expired the quickest way to reactivate the link and purchase your ticket is to use the following steps:
Under the words “Search by” towards the bottom of the page click day then the link for Saturday, 29 August then the link for Single Tickets. Under select area click The Prince Charles Cinema and finally the link for Short Film Showcase 1.
I apologise if that seems a little complicated but I assume because the site is selling the tickets it times out as a security measure after a couple of minutes of inactivity. I've tried navigating back to this page a couple of different ways and this is the easiest way that I have found. If you discover an easier route by all means get in touch either by email or social media or if you are stuck I'll do my best to help and remember I'm not involved in the festival in anyway I’m just a fan who is trying to provide the best information I can and I'm happy to help if I am able to of course.
For more information on the Film4 Fright Fest Film Festival please visit their official website at:
Here is a link to the official website for The Prince Charles Cinema
I hope everyone who is able to attend has a fantastic time!
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the production of Shevenge. We are not involved in any way with the Film4 Fright Fest Film Festival. This post is for informational purposes only we are simply trying to spread the word about an exciting short film directed by Amber Benson.