One-Eyed Monster is a dark comedy, the cast and crew of an adult film become trapped on location due to a storm. A mysterious alien possesses Ron Jeremy or at least part of him. The question is, can Laura (Amber) and co survive through the night?
The good news for UK fans is that it is also available as part of Amazon Prime Video, click the link below:
Amber fans in the USA please click the link below:
Amazon Prime Membership allows you to stream the movie for free as part of your package. If you're not an Amazon Prime Member there are options to rent or buy the movie to stream on a number of devices for a one-off fee. This option is available both here in the UK and in the USA as well.
Having seen the movie myself, I can tell you it’s very funny and a must see for Amber fans.
I’m sorry for the delay in adding this to the latest Amber News Section. I recently started a new job and have been recovering from illness. I know these are worrying times as COVID 19 is having an impact on lives across the globe at the moment. I hope that all my friends, followers and any visitors to AmberBenson.TV stay well and look after one another.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in the making or production of One-Eyed Monster. We have no involvement with Amazon or Amazon Prime Video. All rights belong to the individual copyright holders. We are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting movie starring Amber Benson.