The series centers on Billie Blessings (Holly Robinson Peete) a successful restaurateur turned talk show host. Billie was once suspected of murder but after clearing her name with the help of Detective Ian Jackson (Rick Fox) the pair remained friends and occasionally find themselves at the heart of another mystery.
In Death By Design Billie’s best friend Marian is hired to redecorate the TV studio. Work comes to an end when Marian’s twin sister is found murdered and naturally Billie and Ian are on the case hot on the trail of the killer.
As regular visitors to AmberBenson.TV will know I pride myself on providing all the latest news on Amber's projects as quickly as I can. On this occasion however I somehow missed the premiere of Death By Design. I only discovered it had premiered earlier this week. I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to post an update before the premiere but of course it's fantastic that Amber has written another mystery for television.
Death By Design premiered on the 28th of April on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel available via cable providers in the USA. To find out more visit the movie's dedicated page on the Hallmark Murders and Mysteries website and its page on IMDb too. (Click the hyperlinks)
At the moment I don't know when Death By Design is due to be shown again. I will do my best to keep everyone informed. As ever please feel free to leave any information in the comments section below this post or contact us through our email and social media feeds.
I hope everyone who has the opportunity to watch it will enjoy it and as ever we wish Amber good luck with this project.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the writing or production of Morning Show Mysteries: Death By Design. We have no connection to Hallmark or IMDb. This post is for informational purposes only. We are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting TV movie written by Amber Benson.