The series centers on Billie Blessings (Holly Robinson Peete) a successful restaurateur turned talk show host. Billie was once suspected of murder but after clearing her name with the help of Detective Ian Jackson (Rick Fox) the pair remained friends and occasionally find themselves at the heart of another mystery.
In a Murder In Mind Billie comes to the aid of a friend and former employee who has recently got her big break in the lead role of brand-new TV drama Kelso's Law. Excitement turns to horror as a dead body is uncovered. The finger of suspicion soon falls on Billie's friend after it's revealed that she was being blackmailed by the victim. Billie again teams up with Detective Jackson in a race against time to clear her friend and uncover the identity of the killer.
Morning Show Mysteries: A Murder In Mind will have its premiere on Sunday, the 14th of April at 9 PM/8C on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries available via cable in the USA, for a full list of cable providers click here.
For more information and to see a trailer for Morning Show Mysteries: A Murder In Mind click here. You can also visit it’s official IMDb page and check out a great article on the Hallmark Movie Fanatics Tumblr page (click the hyperlinks for more). I’d like to thank my friend and fellow Amber fan Katie for sending this information my way.
Amber recently wrote two original movies for The Lifetime Network, Oscar Pistorius: Blade Runner Killer and Terror In The Woods both telling the story of two harrowing murder cases.
Morning Show Mysteries: A Murder In Mind gives Amber the chance to write a fictional murder mystery for the small screen and everyone at AmberBenson.TV is delighted she will have another opportunity to add to her growing body of work as a television writer and we are looking forward to seeing what Amber has in store for these popular characters.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the writing or production of Morning Show Mysteries: A Murder In Mind. We have no connection to Hallmark or the Hallmark Movie Fanatics Tumblr page or IMDb. This post is for informational purposes only we are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting TV movie written by Amber Benson.