Amber discusses the impact of Tara and Willow's relationship and the positive impact it had on society. As well as the many letters and messages over the years that both she and Alyson (Willow) received from fans saying how much seeing a LGBTQ couple on screen helped them. Amber talks about her working relationship with Joss Whedon, “Hush” and “Family” also she gives her honest opinion on Tara's departure from Buffy and much more. Amber also takes questions from the audience. This is a really enjoyable panel, a must see for fans and there is some really exciting news from Amber regarding her latest projects.
There is good news for fans who were unable to be there in person. ClexaCon have released two videos the first is Amber behind-the-scenes as she prepares to take the stage. The second is the full Tara Maclay and The Legacy of Buffy Panel. I've embedded both videos below so you can watch them, they are an absolute must watch for Amber fans.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with ClexaCon. We own nothing. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the property of Joss Whedon and 20thCentury Fox. We are simply trying to spread the word about two exciting videos featuring Amber Benson.