The film centres on three friends Sam (Emme Rylan), Charley (Jessica Courtemanche) and Taylor (Megan Lee Joy) who are having a slumber party and they begin plotting revenge on their ex-boyfriends. We then join them on a journey into the darkest part of their imagination as they take Shevenge on each one of them. This dark comedy pays homage to favourite film genres including horror, fantasy and action.
Shevenge was co created by Jessica Courtemanche and Megan Lee Joy and with Amber directing this original comedy promises to be one not to miss. The Shevenge team recently launched a campaign on crowdfunding website with the aim of raising $10,000 to complete postproduction to a high standard.
In return for your support the team are offering you some amazing perks including a personal shout out on twitter from the team, posters, postcards and Skype sessions with members of the team all the way up to an associate producer credit and even dinner with a member of the Shevenge team and much much more.
The good news is there is still time to back the campaign and get your hands on any of the fantastic perks on offer. For full details on the campaign check out Shevenge’s Indiegogo page by clicking the link below:
Don't forget to check out the official Shevenge website for more information on the film and every member of the talented cast and crew bringing Shevenge to the screen.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what promises to be an amazing film.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the production of Shevenge and the Indiegogo campaign we are simply spreading the word about another exciting project involving Amber Benson.