Amber will teach you how to create three-dimensional characters and detail that will make your story standout and by the end of the class you will a have penned the first draft of your own story.
This unique opportunity is being hosted by Writing Pad, a writing school in Los Angeles. Amber's class will take place on Sunday, 1 June 2014 at Writing Pad East (688 S Santa Fe, Apt. 312, Los Angeles, CA 90021) between 2 PM and 5 PM.
For more details on the class how you can sign up and the cost involved please click the following link
This class promises to be a wonderful chance to learn about the craft of writing from an experienced writer in Amber and an excellent teacher.
I wish I could attend but I'm sure that everyone who is will have a fantastic time and learn a lot in the process.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with Writing Pad or Amber's class itself this post is for informational purposes only.