The series follows the misadventures of Cinderella (Jessica Gardner) for this princess at least happy ever after did not last forever, after her Prince left her for another Prince and sent her life into downward spiral. This dark comedy takes a whole different look at the world of fairytales one that will have you laughing out loud.
Amber plays everyone's favourite fairytale pixie Tinkerbell in the two latest episodes of the series to be released, Episode 5 “Think Happy Thoughts” episode 6 “The Pixie Chicks”.
A must see for any Amber fan and the good news is all of the episodes in this series including Amber's debut are free to watch online via the official The Glass Slipper Confessionals website just click the episodes tab.
Well I'm off to watch both episodes again I'm still laughing as I write this now.
Happy Watching Joe.
Please Note both episodes contain strong language viewer discretion advised.