Star vs The Forces of Evil centres on Star Butterfly from a far off dimension. On the 14th birthday Star almost burns down her parents Castle. They then decide it would be safer for her to spend some time on earth disguised as an exchange student. Where she befriends Marco and together the two of them try to survive school and keep Star’s magic safe. The book contains original content never before featured in the show.
Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension! Hits the shelves on 7th of March 2017 and is currently available for preorder on Amazon in the USA and UK just click the purple hyperlinks for more details.
For more information on Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension! Click here to visit the official tumblr account of Star vs The Forces of Evil creator and executive producer Daron Nefcy.
I certainly don't fit the target age for Amber's latest work however I'm still looking forward to checking it out for myself.
AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the writing of Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension! All rights belong to Amber Benson, Disney and their publishing partners. This post is for informational purposes only we are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting book by Amber Benson.