Davies Way-Cole is a member of the elite security team at Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi. On her last official assignment before taking maternity leave she's headed on a week-long cruise to the Caribbean aboard Profitability. A luxury super yacht which the Bellissimo has invested in and it features world-class facilities including a casino of course. Davies is enjoying her new surroundings even if her mother who she agreed to take on a much-needed vacation is getting under her skin. She’s determined to enjoy what may be her last assignment.
When Profitability’s state-of-the-art security system mysteriously fails Davies finds that she along with her mother and her staff are locked inside her luxury suite. At first Davies isn't concerned and is sure the malfunction is down to teething problems. However as time ticks by she soon realises that she must use all her super secret spy skills to escape the suite and find out who is responsible for locking them in and why.
I'm really enjoying listening to Double Knot, Gretchen Archer brings us another engaging mystery full of action Amber uses her talents as an actor to bring the cast of characters to life and lets loose her lovely southern accent once more in another exciting mystery for Davis.
Double Knot audiobook is out now and more exciting news for fans of the series it is unabridged. The audiobook is available to buy from Audible both here in the UK click here and in the USA click here, both sites offer the facility to buy the audiobook for a one-off fee for non-members.
Audible also offers a range of packages where in return for a regular monthly fee a user is entitled to download Double Knot as well as access to a vast library of audiobooks also available on the site. The number of books you can download in the month will depend upon your individual package, for full details see the respective Audible websites.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the production or the writing of Double Knot all rights belong to Gretchen Archer, her publishers and other partners. We are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting project involving Amber Benson.