In this Halloween themed episode with Jonathan globetrotting Christopher and James enlist the help of Amber and author, singer and actor Kasey Lansdale as guest hosts for this episode.
They discuss their favourite Halloween memories and traditions along with books, movies, armpit hair and much more. Christopher, James, Amber and Kasey all spill the beans on their latest work and appearances.
Amber talks about The Last Dream Keeper, book 2 from her Witches Of Echo Park series. Her new novella Death and Buses and a return to The Ghosts Of Albion series as she and Christopher reveal they plan to work on the new short story.
To listen to this podcast in full simply click the link below:
It is a very entertaining, informative and very funny listen that I recommend to anyone.
Please note: there is some discussion of mature themes in the podcast so discretion is advised.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved in any way with the "Three Guys With Beards" podcast. We are simply trying to spread the word about another exciting and entertaining podcast featuring Amber Benson.