Amber released a video on her official social media platforms, including X (formally known as Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook, late last night (UK time) to let fans know she had joined the popular video messaging platform.
Cameo is an online platform that gives fans a chance to connect with their favourite actors, reality TV stars, sports personalities, etc. where you can purchase a personalised video message from your favourite star just for you or as a gift for a family member or loved one.
Amber has joined friends and former Buffy The Vampire Slayer cast members like James Masters, Juliet Landau, Emma Caulfield Ford, and more who use the platform. Amber has included a brilliant introductory video to tell you more about what you can include in your personalised video message.
Click the link below to view Amber's video and learn more about booking your own Cameo video.
I think this is a great way for fans to connect with her, and I have already booked my Cameo video from Amber.
Disclaimer: AmberBenson.TV is not involved with Cameo in any way. We have no connection to the website or app. We do not have any connection to Amber Benson or her management. This post is for informational purposes only. We are simply trying to spread the word about an exciting opportunity to get a personalised video message from Amber Benson.